7 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to keep patients eternally engaged

With the healthcare industry becoming more competitive, it is important for healthcare providers and executives to stay up-to-date on their marketing strategies. Keeping your patients engaged is essential as it builds loyalty and trust in your practice. 


Here are 7 healthcare marketing strategies that will leave your patients eternally engaged.

1.Personalise Your Content 

Personalized content can help build a strong relationship between you and your patients by making them feel valued. You can personalise your content by creating emails tailored to each person’s needs or interests, writing blog posts that speak directly to your target audience, and using social media to connect one-on-one with individuals.


For example, when creating emails tailored to each person’s needs or interests, you can start by segmenting your email list into different categories based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. For instance, you can divide your list by age group or health condition. Then, create a personalised message that speaks directly to that group. Each message should be tailored to the interests, needs, and concerns of that particular group.

2.Leverage User Generated Content

User generated content (UGC) is a powerful way to engage with patients as it allows you to tap into the power of word-of-mouth recommendations from existing customers. UGC involves collecting photos, videos, reviews, and other types of content from your users and sharing it across various channels, such as social media or website landing pages. It helps build trust in potential patients who are considering using your services.

Classic example is Vcare clinics, which extensively use UGC. They asked their customers to share a review after availing their services. These reviews were then posted on the website, along with photos and video testimonials from patients who had experienced positive outcomes from Vcare Clinic’s treatments. This not only helped Vcare Clinic build trust in new visitors but also generated a steady stream of referrals for their services.

By leveraging UGC, you can quickly build trust and provide prospective patients with a more comprehensive view of your practice.

3.Use Patient Education  

Patient education is an effective way to keep people informed about their health conditions and treatments while also building trust in your practice. You can leverage patient education through blogs, newsletters, webinars, infographics, ebooks or you can invest in video marketing,  all while providing valuable information that will benefit them long term.

But the educational videos on health topics should be self explanatory if the video is going to talk about the workings of cancer cells. You can be certain that the audience will not be engaged or watch something they do not understand. So, it’s important to make sure the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand and relevant to their current situation.

4.Create a Positive Patient Experience

The patient experience is often overlooked but should be at the forefront of any successful healthcare marketing strategy as it helps build brand loyalty among customers who have had positive experiences with your practice or organization.

Ads aren’t the one and done part of your practice; it is also important to make sure that the people who work at your organization are providing quality care and service to all of the individuals they encounter. This may include providing high quality customer service, having a pleasant manner and using technology to streamline the patient experience. Additionally, having an effective communication system in place between your team members, patients, and their families can also help to create a positive experience for everyone involved.

5.Focus on Mobile optimization

Yea, you have been told or read thousands of articles  on mobile optimization before. Those are technical stuff, In FAH marketing dictionary device optimization means user specific optimization.” Geriatric patients need bigger fonts and less options to book appointments  while students can use a more colorful and trendy design. So, focus on user specific optimization to make sure your website is easily accessible by all types of users.

6.Utilize Social Media Platforms  

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., are an effective way for healthcare organizations to reach out to current and potential patients alike in order to engage them in meaningful conversations about their health concerns or offer advice/guidance on treatment options, etc.. Additionally, this type of engagement helps build relationships between the organization and its patients, which can lead to greater loyalty over time as well as higher customer retention rates due to increased satisfaction levels amongst those being served by the practice/organization concerned.  (A free strategy call on this)

7.Invest in Digital Ads 

Digital ads are a great way for healthcare organizations/practices to reach out to potential customers who may not otherwise be aware of their services; for example if someone searches for “disease prevention tips” then an ad featuring information about preventive care packages offered by a particular hospital might appear alongside the search results which could lead more people towards seeking assistance from said hospital rather than another one nearby which had not invested in digital advertising campaigns previously. Read about patient centric marketing strategy here.


Healthcare organizations need strategies that will keep current patients engaged while also attracting new ones too! By leveraging personalised content creation tools such as email campaigns; user generated content; patient education; positive customer experiences; mobile optimization; social media platforms; and digital ads you can create an engaging environment that values each individual patron’s needs while also increasing brand loyalty over time!

Additionally investing in these tactics now could save you time & money down the line when it comes time again for rebranding initiatives! All together these 7 strategies are surefire winners when trying not just attract but retain customers too!