Apollo Hospitals Marketing Strategy

Apollo Hospitals is one of India’s most well-known and respected healthcare providers. The name is synonymous with providing quality care and excellence in medical services. An impressive network of hospitals across the country means that Apollo offers accessible, world-class healthcare to millions of people. With their commitment to patient satisfaction, cutting edge technology, and highly experienced staff, it’s no wonder that Apollo continues to be a name that is instantly recognizable by the public.

So, how did Apollo pull it off?


Everybody knows, but what’s unique about their strategy is that they use a combination of traditional and healthcare digital marketing. Apollo Hospitals have done an excellent job of leveraging online channels to reach out to their target audience. They have created informative content on their website and social media accounts, running campaigns to promote awareness about various diseases and treatments available at the hospital. Apollo has also employed a strong SEO strategy, which has improved their visibility on search engine results pages and enabled them to reach many people who may not have otherwise known about the hospital.

You know patients are symptom searchers, can’t be avoided. People are psychologically primed that way. Why? because they’re afraid to go to a hospital or clinic until they reach that last minute.

Apollo hospital played smartly here

The moment someone searches for a specific symptom on Google

This is what a frightened patients see

https://health.google/partners/ —> Apollo hospital is Google’s health partner

This not only means a good face value for Apollo it is also a sign how good Apollo hospitals are at leveraging digital channels.

They are not salesy here; they focus on providing values.

Just that?

Nope what you saw above was jus a tip of the iceberg

They are super active on social media. Their ads are a buffet

It’s not just lead gen.

They create videos of doctors sharing their experience, how to take care? what diabetics should do and more…

They create content and promote it before targeted audience

It looks like information of course it is but it’s marketing

It not only creates leads it also helps to build the trust for Apollo Hospitals

Are they done?


It requires 6-7 touchpoints for a patient before he/she converts

With the advent of tech available now, it’s easier for businesses to reach their ideal prospects like never before.

They send SMS to first party data collected.

Smart right!

Should I do all this to promote my practice or hospital just because Apollo is doing?

We say YES!


Because it works

Apollo Hospitals have used a combination of traditional and digital marketing tools to make their mark in the healthcare industry, and these strategies are proving to be successful. With an impressive online presence, informative content, strong SEO strategy and effective social media campaigns, they have successfully reached out to millions of potential patients. Through this, they have been able to increase brand awareness and trust, while also gaining many new customers. Apollo Hospitals’ success story can be a great example for healthcare providers looking to promote their own practices or hospitals. If used correctly, digital marketing strategies can help create more visibility and attract more patients. By utilising the right combination of traditional and healthcare digital marketing tactics, healthcare providers can reach out to their target audiences and make their mark in the industry. So, just like Apollo Hospitals, use a combination of traditional and digital marketing strategies to promote your practice or hospital!

Want to experience the same success as Apollo Hospitals?

(Book a 30-minute strategy call with us)