How to plan keywords, Ad copy & Landing page for Healthcare brands?

Effective healthcare marketing is essential for reaching and engaging potential patients. One key aspect of a successful marketing campaign is the use of carefully planned keywords, ad copy, and landing pages. By understanding how to effectively strategize and implement these elements, healthcare brands can effectively target the right audience and achieve their marketing goals. In this article, we will discuss the importance of these elements and provide tips on how to plan and optimize them for maximum impact in the healthcare industry.

Keyword Planning:

Keyword planning for healthcare campaigns is the process of gathering, analyzing, and prioritizing keywords and phrases relevant to your practice and services. This analysis should be completed for at least 2–3 different search engines; Google, Bing and others, We generally Soovle my way.

The main considerations in this process are how competitive the keyword space is in different search engines (This should give us a significant understanding of the competition, how many practices are competing for the same phrase, and how much competition there is from other hospitals or clinics with related services). You must also consider how familiar the average person is with the keywords you have selected. Do they use the words in everyday language or are they technical terms that people may have only limited exposure to?

For example, if you have a physical therapy clinic and wanted to target a phrase like “physical therapist near me” then it would be prudent for you to first consider how many hospital websites are competing for this phrase. If your clinic is located in greater areas then the chances that there are a lot of businesses using this phrase would be more distinct.

We would classify healthcare searchers into 2 categories

User Searches

Patient Searches

User searches are generic and would search “Physical therapist near me” or “physical therapist in Chennai” — Avg monthly search volume 720

Whereas Patient searches are more specific and of high value, they search “physical therapist near me for shoulder cuff pain” Avg monthly search volume is 30

But the latter has a greater conversion possibility.

If you run an ad account with budget constraints, bid on low search volume & keywords with higher intent. Impressions will be less, but we can expect conversions.

2. Categorize Your Audience:

This is a really difficult task, but it’s worth the time and effort. The first step in categorizing your audience is to learn how to look for search terms that have high emotional value. What do people feel when searching for “back pain treatment?” they may feel anxious, anticipate a cure, or desperate. Find keywords that match what you want to convey, and then craft a marketing message around those feelings. For example, if you are a chiropractor specializing in back pain treatment, then the phrases may be “100% back pain relief” or “whom should I consult for spinal decompression.” You have to understand that these are not searches, people are trying to establish a meaningful conversation here, If you are going to show ads stuffed with keywords, irrelevant, doesn’t convey the need; no matter where your ad is shown, people just ignore it.

There are two ways you can write ads for the keyword “100% back pain relief”

Google recommends the second ad copy as it is more keyword-friendly, would the user prefer that one as well? Nope!

So be sure in crafting ad copies that speak to your audience, it can be done in many ways, you just need to get creative. You have to target your audience by determining the best language they use when describing their pain, and how that pain affects their lifestyle. You must now determine what words matter most to your target audience for each ad group you put together.

3. Landing Page:

The talk of “Landing Page” has become a constant barrage among Digital Marketers.

Yet it is a prophecy not fulfilled.

Source: Unbounce
70% of the final URL is HOME PAGE (Meh) It’s not going to work unless your homepage is optimized for conversions.

There are plenty of articles, tips, and templates on Landing pages. We do not want to numb you again by talking about rich ideas for Landing pages. To be honest, you never know what works, so it is best to find ideas from the internet and optimize them to your need, and work on various models.

My only proposition here is that, while designing the landing page assume you are creating a “ONE-WAY” route for your audience. They shouldn’t exist without taking valuable action.

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