Overcome Challenges with these 10 video marketing tips for healthcare!

Video Marketing in Healthcare

Healthcare marketing is a challenging field. There are many unique challenges that other industries don’t face including regulations, the need for transparency, and engaging with patients. With the rise of social media, it’s not just reaching out to potential patients but also those who publicly share their thoughts on healthcare services online. We’ll explore some of these challenges as well as how video can be used to reach your audience in this article.

Here are 10 tips to grab attention in video marketing.

1: Learning to Speak the Audience Language

When it comes to producing video, sometimes healthcare companies are tempted to use their textbook marketing skills when a different approach is more appropriate. For example, Healthcare websites tend to be text-heavy which doesn’t translate well into videos. These include too much medical terminology and heavy on the doctor terminology, making it difficult for the average person to take in.

2: Adding Personality by Sharing a Story

Instead of relying on heavy medical terminology, healthcare videos should focus more on storytelling and using speech that is easily understood by a variety of people. If you’re trying to present the services or doctors available at your clinic, this type of narrative video can be a great way to tell the story of how you got started and how much your healthcare services mean to the community.

3: Stick with Visual Content that Appeals to Your Target Audience

Just like any other type of marketing, it’s important to target your audience when producing videos. Depending on who you’re trying to reach, you need to stick with visual content such as charts, graphs, and infographics. This helps patients to understand the information more quickly and easily. Try using bright colors for an appealing video.

4: Strike a Personal Note & Use Video to Share Your Mission

Another strategy that works well in healthcare marketing is using video testimonials from your actual patients. This is a great way to show that you really care about your patients and the community without putting together too much text. And if you’re looking to highlight your mission, this can be a great place for it.

5: Create Video Content that is Credible & Reliable

An important part of marketing in any industry is to establish your credibility or reliability, which is made easy in video. This will help to build trust with viewers and potential patients when they see that you’ve gone the extra mile and taken the time to create quality video content that’s informative as well as entertaining.

6: Don’t Lose Your Audience by Showing Too Much!

When it comes to healthcare marketing, just like any other industry, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too much information or visuals. It’s best to stick with a video that is no longer than 3 minutes. If you have more information that needs to be conveyed but don’t want to create another video, consider adding a transcript underneath the video to share all of the information. This will help patients who need more time or want to be able to share the video on social media with their friends and family.

7: Video Marketing Strategy that is Mobile-Ready

With over 50% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s becoming increasingly important for healthcare marketing companies to have a mobile-friendly strategy. For example, having a responsive site or video that is easily viewed by patients on the go. This helps to ensure you’re reaching the most people possible and not losing any of your audience because they can’t view it from their smartphone or tablet.

8: Promote Online & Publicly Engage in Video

Organic reach in Social media is long gone., it’s necessary to promote. Promoting your videos on social media in addition to sharing them on your own website and blog helps to build up traffic and give people an easy way to share the video with their friends and family.

9: Make Sure to use #tags

Another way to promote your healthcare videos is by using social media. This includes Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn. If you’re going to put your video on these sites, make sure it’s easy for people to find, create specific hashtags that allow patients to find and share your content easily and quickly.

10: Utilize Video Throughout Your Website

Website visitors engage more, consider adding videos to blog post on your medical website. This is a great way to help your content get found by more people so that they can watch it right then and there. You can even add the link within other blog posts to help increase traffic around a particular video.

Our Top Pick:

If you’re trying to reach patients, then consider using video testimonials from actual clients as well as informative and entertaining content that helps them understand what they need without being overwhelming or confusing. It’s also essential in any industry to establish credibility with potential consumers by providing quality and reliable information; this is even more true in healthcare since it can be difficult for people who are less educated about medical terminology or products on a regular basis. You want your viewers to feel like they can trust you so that they’ll buy into what you’re selling — whether it be a product or service!